Essential Types of Virtual Sales Event For Technical Sales Professionals

Virtual presentations and events have become a more common tool in the belt of the technical salesperson in the last few years. Professionals are now able to connect with potential customers and showcase products through virtual events such as webinars, virtual conferences, virtual trade shows, and virtual product demos.

In this article, we will explore the significance of virtual sales events in the technical sales process and how they can be leveraged to support different aspects of the sales process. We will dive into the different types of virtual events available to technical sales professionals and the impact of virtual events on the customer journey.

Significance of virtual events in the technical sales process

They’re an opportunity to showcase technical products and services, provide valuable information to potential customers, and build relationships with key stakeholders. By incorporating virtual events into your sales strategy, you can reach a broader audience, generate leads, and drive revenue growth. 

The Impact of Virtual Events on the Customer Journey for Technical Sales Professionals

Here’s a closer look at the impact of virtual events on the customer journey:

Customer Journey

Awareness Stage: Webinars and industry-specific events can help technical sales professionals capture customers’ attention and generate awareness of products and services. These events allow you to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry and educate potential customers about their solutions.

Consideration Stage: Product demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and case studies can provide potential customers with the information they need to consider your offerings as a viable solution. You can build trust with potential customers and demonstrate how your solutions can solve their pain points in a visual way.

Decision Stage: Virtual demos, trials, and personalized consultations can help you turn potential customers into sales.

Post-Purchase Stage: Continue engaging with your customers to ensure customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of repeat business. Virtual events such as user groups, customer conferences, and training sessions can help you provide ongoing value to customers and strengthen your relationship with them. You can continue to educate and support your customers with regularly scheduled events with updates and demos of the latest offerings, ultimately leading to the potential of increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Common Types of Virtual Sales Events Used by Technical Sales Professionals

By choosing the right type of virtual event for the sales process, you’ll improve lead generation, increase customer engagement, and foster lasting relationships.


They are conducted in real-time and allow attendees to interact with the presenter(s) and ask questions. Webinars can help move leads through the sales funnel by answering their questions about the product or service. Some benefits of webinars in the technical sales process include:

  • Generating leads by providing registration forms and follow-up emails
  • Providing targeted information to prospects at different stages of the sales process
  • Moving leads from the awareness stage to the consideration stage by answering questions and demonstrating problem-solving capabilities

Product Launches:

They help you move leads through the sales funnel by providing them with exclusive access to the product and its features. Some benefits include:

Technical Sales Professionals
  • That they can be customized to meet the needs of the target audience, including technical decision-makers
  • Generating buzz and excitement through social media and other marketing channels
  • Providing attendees with exclusive access to the product and its features, increasing the likelihood of a sale

Virtual Demos:

This is where you convert by providing prospects with a better understanding of the key value of the product/service. Some benefits include:

  • Providing a visual representation of the product, making it easier for prospects to understand its features and benefits
  • Addressing any objections or concerns that prospects may have
  • That they’re one-on-one, so you can meet their needs exactly

Q&A Sessions:

Overcome objections here. Some benefits include:

  • Providing customers with personalized support
  • Building relationships with your customers
  • Getting feedback on customer needs and pain points, which can be used to improve products or services

Virtual Workshops:

They can help your clients get a deeper understanding of how to use the product or service. Some benefits include:

Virtual Workshops
  • Pointing out often overlooked functionality of a product or service
  • Adding value by explaining use cases for how other clients making the most of the more commonly used functionality
  • Getting new ideas from clients about what their use for the product is to more clearly explain the first two bullets here

Roundtable Discussions:

They’re a small group of attendees focused on discussing specific topics or challenges. Some benefits include:

  • Providing a forum for attendees to share their experiences and knowledge, can help technical sales professionals understand their customers’ needs and pain points
  • Find out exactly what people love and hate about your product and improve products or services, increasing the likelihood of a sale
  • Connecting your customers and building community
  • Building social proof by other industry friends and competitors attending


Virtual events provide a platform to showcase technical expertise, build trust, and engage with prospects and customers. By leveraging different types of virtual events, you can personalize the sales process, provide solutions to common pain points, highlight the benefits of their solution, and move your clients more quickly through the sales funnel, generating leads, driving sales, and building relationships with your customers. Virtual events are here to stay as they’ve proven themselves to be a crucial component of a forward-thinking and modern technical sales strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can virtual events support lead nurturing and move prospects toward a sale?

Ongoing engagement and follow-up opportunities, enabling sales professionals to provide targeted and personalized messaging and deliver valuable content that addresses potential customer pain points and challenges.

How do virtual events benefit the technical sales process?

By providing a cost-effective, scalable, and flexible way to reach a larger audience, showcase technical products and features, and engage with prospects and customers in real time.

How can virtual events effectively showcase technical products to potential customers?

Providing interactive, multimedia-rich experiences allows potential customers to explore and understand product features and capabilities.

What are some best practices for measuring the impact of virtual events on technical sales?

Setting clear goals and KPIs, using analytics and tracking tools, conducting surveys and feedback sessions, and leveraging data to refine and improve future virtual events.

How can virtual events be used to build and strengthen relationships with technical stakeholders?

By providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing, as well as demonstrating thought leadership and expertise in a particular technical field or industry.

How can technical sales professionals stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving landscape of virtual events?

Continually experimenting with new formats and technologies, staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, and prioritizing the needs and preferences of your clients and potential clients.